Workshop Thumbnail

Event Date

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025 - 1:00 PM

Event Location:

Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce Boardroom | 2533 Port Alberni Highway, Port Alberni BC

This event has been rescheduled to Tuesday March 25, 2025.

Master the art of effective decision-making and meeting facilitation! This interactive workshop will equip you with essential skills, including:

Working in Groups – Collaborate effectively
Decision Making Models – Explore different approaches
Consensus Decision Making – Drive alignment
Effective Meetings – Agenda building, minute-taking, and more

If you lead teams, participate in meetings, or make important business decisions—this workshop is for you!

Your ticket includes workshop registration and refreshments to keep you fueled and focused, along with the chance to connect with local professionals. Discover the benefits of Chamber membership while gaining insights to support your professional growth. The ticket price includes GST and proceeds supporting the Chamber’s mission to strengthen and empower the local business community.

We are extremely excited to offer this opportunity to both Chamber Members and Future Members, with exclusive pricing for Chamber Members. Not a Chamber Member and curious about joining the Chamber? This workshop is a great opportunity to experience the value we provide to our members.