Written by Doug Lindores, Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing
Early Spring 2025
With the 2025 Sport Fishing Season now upon us we are looking forward to a year like the past few which have been simply spectacular. At this time of year this Pacific Rim area offers some of the best fishing opportunities in British Columbia. The Columbia River Spring Chinook return is forecasted to be better than 2024. These salmon migrate down the coast of Vancouver Island and come into Barkley Sound areas to feed before continuing their journey. Barkley Sound should provide some wonderful sport fishing especially for salmon in the ten-to- twenty-pound range. The Herring Spawn in early March will bring plenty of local and migrating salmon into the area.
This is the time of year when Halibut fishing usually opens in early February followed by lingcod and rockfish openings in April. Prawning and Crabbing can often occur but it is important to check the current local regulations before placing any traps in the water. The release of all female crabs is of importance.
Halibut at this time of year can be close to shore. The Halibut are looking for easy food after the Herring spawn and can be found close to the many Ucluelet Islands and the green buoy between Bamfield and Edward King. Using Herring on a spreader bar is a terrific choice in the early spring months.
When targeting salmon in the early spring troll deep and look for bait. The salmon will be where the bait is. Using Herring aid spoons and the white AORL 12 and various needle fish hoochies are ideal.
Barkley Sound not only provides fantastic fishing but also wonderful wildlife adventure experiences.
March 1st and 2nd is the first recognized salmon fishing derby of the year. The Sproat Lake Loggers Derby will be hosted out of Poett Nook in memory of thirty-five-year organizer Don Deforest.

Tight lines and Good Fishing
Doug Lindores
Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing
email dlindy@shaw.ca
1 888 214 7206 (toll free)