Fishing Report

July 26, 2024 Fishing Report 

Written by Doug Lindores, Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing  

Sockeye Fishing in the Alberni Inlet continues to be Excellent. Barkley Sound Salmon Fishing Consistent.   

                 The Sockeye Fishing in the Alberni Inlet has been an absolute hit for so many avid fisher people. Up to the beginning of this new week limits of eight, twelve and even sixteen beautiful Sockeye Salmon have continued for guided and non guided trip. The limit of Four Sockeye per day has continued but on the 24th of July the limit as announced by the DFO will become two per person per day.  

                  Sockeye are in much deeper water due to the high air temperatures over the past few weeks. Fishing from seventy to one hundred feet is not uncommon for most fisher people. The Black and pink hootchies and black hooks behind a variety of different flasher colors are working well. Escapement into the Somass River and then into either Sproat or Great Central Lakes has slowed down considerably with the fish moving and remaining in the cooler and deeper water of the inlet. When a good amount of rain occurs the fish will move to the river and into the two lakes where they will remain until the Fall. Approximately one hundred and sixty-five thousand fish have gone through the counters to date. We expect the Sockeye fishing to continue for some time but until further notice the limit for sport fishing will be two per person beginning on the 24th of July.

                    Barkley Sound Fishing has remained fairly consistent with the best fishing in many of the surf line areas.  As well fishing up at Wya Point, Florencia, and as far up as Long Beach has been terrific. Off shore fishing has been great for hatchery Coho and Chinook. However Chinook retention Limits until the 1St of August is one fish between forty-five and eighty centimeters daily. After August 1st it is expected that the number will change to two Chinook per day with the size limit at forty-five centimeters to any length. The salmon in Barkley Sound have been consistently hitting a variety of spoons. Many Skinny G and Coho Killer spoons have been working and hoochies in white and or white-blue have been excellent as well. The salmon are feeding on small immature herring in some areas and squid in other places. The squid have predominately been found around the Ucluelet area and the Bamfield Wall. We are expecting Chinook salmon returning to West Coast Vancouver Island to begin showing up very soon. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans have termed the return of Chinook Salmon to this area as “ABUNDANT” for 2024. We are looking forward to some world class fishing during the month of August in most Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet hot spot areas.

Tight lines and Good Fishing

Doug Lindores

Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing


1 888 214 7206 (toll free)

Marcus of Little Rock Arkansas fished with Doug of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing and landed this Chinook salmon using a Skinny G Herring Aid Spoon.

Todd  from Salt Lake City Utah fished with Doug from Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing and landed this Chinook Salmon at Cree Island using a gold nugget wegee spoon.

Jessica from Winnipeg landed two beautiful and very large Sockeye in the Alberni Inlet during the past week. Sockeye Sport Fishing has been amazing in the Alberni Inlet.