A first order of business for Port Alberni's newest council was to meet together on Monday, November 7th in Council Chambers. The event included a lovely cultural welcome from both Hupcasath and Tseshaht First Nations.
We at the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce are encouraged with the election results. Returning to her familiar chair is Mayor Sharie Minions who will be the first mayor in some time to secure a second successive mandate. Well done! Joining her from the previous council are both Debbie Haggard (second term for Debbie) and Cindy Solda who has been around the local political scene for some time. Returning after taking a hiatus from council over the past while are both John Douglas (former Mayor and Councilor) and Charles Mealey (former Councilor). New to the table are Dustin Dame and Todd Patola though both are well-known in these parts.