The Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce organized three successive evenings for the candidates seeking election as a School Trustee (SD70), Alberni Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) and the city of Port Alberni in positions of Councillor / Mayor. The sessions were held at Rim Rock on each of October 4th, 5th, 6th. The Chamber wishes to acknowledge that these sessions were held on the traditional territories of the Hupacasath and Tseshaht First Nations, and were supported financially by the San Group. Video's produced by Keelan Bourdon of Northedge Creative - a new to Port Alberni business.
The Chamber wishes to thank all those who have submitted their names for any of the available positions. We also remind the public to do your homework before voting on October 15th. Watch the video's, look to see if the candidates are speaking to to a multitude of topics, or just one. It is imperative for the health of our community, and for its future that we the public, vote for people with passion, talent, experience, commitment, and the ability to listen.
The Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce has hosted countless All-Candidates Forums covering all levels of government. It remains our goal to be seen by the public and the candidates as an impartial organization that recognizes the value of hosting such events. The events held over the past three days (Oct 4, 5, 6) have caused some in the community to question the objectivity of the Chamber and the All-Candidates forum.
Bill Collette the CEO of the Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce offered these comments. "While serving as organizer, and moderator at the All-Candidates Forum I did not conduct myself in the unbiased manner expected of the role. My demeanour at times over the three evenings demonstrated a biased position evidenced by how I chose to introduce candidates, especially those that I am familiar with. That was not intentional. In fact, my normal style at events that I host often includes a welcome aimed at honouring the person who is about to approach. In hindsight I erred in how I made such introductions. I apologize to the candidates and audience members who put their trust and faith in the Chamber, and in me, to provide a level playing field. Further, my engagement with one of the mayoral candidates was unfair. Although hard questions can and should be asked, especially of the mayoral candidates they must be balanced and delivered in a fair means. I did reach out to the candidate earlier today to offer my apologies for demonstrating a biased approach. We talked for close to 50 minutes and while he did not accept the apology we did part with an understanding. I assure all that should I be involved in any future such event that I will learn from these errors and conduct myself in a manner expected by all."
The Chamber apologies to any candidate who felt disrespected or less welcome than others. Our board of directors will ensure that subsequent events have a plan in place, hopefully with other local partners, so as to execute an event that all expect of us.
Enjoy the videos: