75 local businesses stepped up to help us create a much needed 'Picture' Map that is designed to assist visitors in SEEING what there is to do in the Alberni Valley. Because of these businesses we were able to put together a wonderful piece that clearly shows people what we have in the area.
They now SEE that YES we have a POOL, we have a RUGBY CLUB, Curling Rink; we have SHOE stores, Ladies Fashions, Men's Fashions, Coffee Shops, Gift Shops, Motels, B&B's, A ship that runs along the Inlet, A Steam Train and on the 'other side....' they see the lake(s) complete with Houseboats, Tug Boats, Provincial Parks, Stamp Falls, Great Central Lake experiences etc. etc.
Have a peek yourselves and remember: This piece was designed to visually enable people to SEE what is out there. It is NOT a map. It is a Marketing piece designed to help our business community access opportunity that might not have otherwise existed.