Visitor Centre Counts Skyrocketing

The Alberni Valley Visitor Center located within the Chamber of Commerce Building at the entrance to the community has seen incredible increases in visits this year. Some interesting facts for you:

January/February of 2015 were both down in overall visits

March 2015 saw a small increase in numbers but not enough to offset the first quarter results thus we were behind in numbers over the first three months of 2015

We saw a similar 6% ish increase in April

In May once the weather really started to shine we saw an 23% increase in numbers.

In June our visits exploded with 265% increase in visitor connections. Most of those connections happened within the Centre itself however some happenned through the activities of our Mobile Visitor Centre and Ambassador programs.

In July we had another huge increase this time recording 157% increase which were on much bigger numbers than June.

As of Mid-August trends were stabalizing within the Visitor Center as numbers averaging 5% increases were place through the 21st. However, our external reach has been even more significant through August as we have seen a 258% growth in numbers and we're only 2/3 through the month at this writing.


Discussions with various local businesses confirms the impact and the trends that we've seen through our VC Operations. One local accommodaton provided indicated that he's had his best three months in over a decade (May, June, July).