Covid - 19 Update

This page is updated frequently - please use it as a resource guide for the latest information available. 

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The Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Centre reopened to the public on Monday, July 6th, 2020 with many new changes in effect. 

  • The Visitor Centre will host a maximum of 6 Guests at a time in addition to no more than 2 Employees
  • During the warm summer month an employee or volunteer will be positioned outside of the Visitor Centre in a tent environment where that person will monitor activity in the area. The Employee will be asked to control the number of people headed inside the building
  • Other times of the year the information and safety table will be relocated to just inside the VC doors for easy access.
  • The three washrooms will be open to the Visitor from 10am - 4pm daily - with the exception of (some) Saturdays/Sundays
  • Cleaning will take place periodically through the day based on use of the facilities. This will be monitored by the Employee working in the Tent area or the front office lead person
  • Hand Sanitizers are available at the Tent and inside the Visitor Centre
  • Our Employees are given the option of wearing a Mask, Shield or both. * This was updated to mandatory when new Health Restrictions were announced.
  • Our Employees, and guests are protected via the use of table barriers (outside) and Sneeze Guards in high traffic public areas inside.
  • We ask that Visitors adhere to Physical Distancing Measures now in place with equate to spacing of 6 feet/2 meters. 
  • Please notice the floor stickers within the building
  • Maps, Brochures and other publications are available by request only. We ask Visitors not to attempt to access any of these publications. Please allow us to do that on your behalf. 
  • Please take notice of the posters on our Windows describing the Symptoms of COVID - 19 and please respond accordingly.
  • Please do not leave personal garbage on our property or in the garbage cans. 
  • Please do not discard used MASKS or other PPE on our Property. Doing so increases the risk to our Employees
  • Overnight Parking or Camping is not permitted. Note Signage that does grant us right to have unidentified vehicles towed at owner expense. 
  • Our Employees have all reviewed our COVID - 19 Protocol Measures and all understand the importance of following guidelines as presented, and often updated, by the Provincial Health Officer. 
  • Further to this all of our Employees participate in an HR program that requires constant update of COVID protocol.
  • Our Employees are not permitted to work if feeling unwell and if symptoms indicate the potential for COVID - 19 they will be asked to submit to a test and will not be permitted back to work until confirmation of a Negative Result and/or confirmation that the incubation period has expired. 
  • Our Facility is cleaned several times during the day including a full clean prior to close/open every day. Said clean includes the use of a commercial cleaning device (think Ghostbusters) that sprays a cleaning solution similar to what is used on tables throughout the facility. This equipment and product is highly recommended by the Island's largest Cleaning Service 

We are pleased to have you back!